What are the Side Effects of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping?

Vapour Days Electronic Cigarettes and E-Liquids Bristol Store

What are the Side Effects of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping?

A frequently asked question is ‘what are the side effects of electronic cigarettes and vaping?’. Rather, the question should be ‘what are the side effects of quitting smoking?’, because although electronic cigarettes continue to provide you with nicotine, all of the other toxic chemicals are not included in the liquid. Withdrawal from those carcinogens and chemicals can lead to side effects dependent on the individual and how addicted to tobacco they were.

Continue reading What are the Side Effects of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping?

BBC News – Smoking Rots The Body

BBC News Electronic Cigarettes

BBC News has documented how smoking rots the body from the inside. This includes not only the smoker themselves but any surrounding people passively smoking.

Professor Fenton, National Director for Health and Wellbeing for PHE, explained that “Much of the harm caused by smoking doesn’t become obvious until middle age but the invisible damage can start shockingly early – even by the late teens.”

To watch the news report or read the article follow this link – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30591236

The news campaign highlights the serious damage smoking causes. Anybody considering electronic cigarettes as a healthier alternative to smoking should look no further. Visit the Vapour Days Bristol store now on the middle floor of the Galleries Shopping Centre.

Alternatively you can shop online – http://www.vapourdays.co.uk/shop/

Effectiveness of Electronic Cigarettes to Quit Smoking

Bristol Electronic Cigarette Shop - Vapour Days

Effectiveness of Electronic Cigarettes to Quit Smoking

Dr Siegel of Boston University has published findings that using electronic cigarettes as a means to quitting smoking is effective.

Research also found that vapers using electronic cigarette juice containing nicotine were more likely to succeed than those using nicotine-free e-liquid.

The study found that 18% of smokers using e-cigarettes had quit smoking within six months.

With such a high success rate, why not visit the Vapour Days shop in the middle floor of the Galleries Shopping Centre, Bristol, UK.

Alternatively buy great value and high quality starter kits online here – http://www.vapourdays.co.uk/product-category/starter-kits/

To read the full article, follow this link http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/first-meta-analysis-of-existing-studies.html


BBC News – Why Do People Start Vaping?

Vapour Days Electronic Cigarettes and E-Liquids Bristol Store

BBC Findings

Recent BBC News can be found on the following link http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30192181

The ONS found that electronic cigarettes are almost entirely used by former or current smokers. That means any fears people had of it becoming a fashion or new habit for people are unfounded. In fact, only 0.14% of vapers had never smoked before.

The BBC also found that more smokers have quit smoking, which is great news! The majority of those trying electronic cigarettes are doing it to help them quit smoking.

Benefits of E-Cigarettes vs Tobacco Smoking

Vapour Days Electronic Cigarette Bristol Shop


If you are reading this article, it is likely to be because you are contemplating a move from tobacco cigarettes to vaping on electronic cigarettes. You may be hesitant because you do not really know what the difference between tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettes are.

Most people who come into the Vapour Days shop who are interested in starting on electronic cigarettes are current tobacco smokers. Below we highlight the key advantages for transitioning over to electronic cigarettes as opposed to continuing your tobacco habit.

By the end of this article, you will realise that electronic cigarettes are a suitable alternative to tobacco smoking for so many people because of the benefits they have over tobacco.
Continue reading Benefits of E-Cigarettes vs Tobacco Smoking

Stoptober Electronic Cigarette Challenge – Have a Vapour Day!

Bristol Vapour Days Electronic Cigarettes E-Liquid Shop

Stoptober is a challenge for you to give up smoking in October. Research has found that stopping smoking for 28 days means you’re FIVE times more likely to quit for good. That’s where trying electronic cigarettes can help.

VAPOUR DAYS is encouraging all smokers out there to have a VAPOUR DAY. Just one day on an electronic cigarette will give you the confidence that you can quit tobacco. So if you are feeling the effect of smoking on your health, why not come in to the Vapour Days Bristol store to try an electronic cigarette, or buy online now in Vapour Days online shop. Alternatively, if you know a loved-one who smokes and wants to quit, you could buy them an electronic cigarette as a gift.

If you have any queries, you can contact us in the Bristol shop (Ground Floor, The Galleries Shopping Centre, Bristol) or via our Contact Vapour Days page.

So quit smoking for a VAPOUR DAY in October and prove you can meet the Stoptober Challenge!